This Endolife

Endo and Fatigue Q&A Episode



Today is another recording from an Instagram live I did - this time all about endometriosis and chronic fatigue. In this episode, I discuss - Why does it happen? Covering the link between endo/chronic pelvic pain/chronic pain conditions and low cortisol, inflammation and mitochondria dysfunction, gut health issues and nutrient malabsorption, hormone imbalances and blood sugar dysregulation. Whether fatigue will fatigue get worse the longer you live with endo. Why fatigue might be worse after your period. Whether fatigue is still common after excision surgery. What’s the best/quickest way to get iron levels up. I really hope you find this episode useful! Let's get social! Come say hello on Instagram or sign up to my newsletter. Sign up to my free Endo Belly Challenge here. To become a The Endo Belly Course Founding Member, email me at with ‘Yes’ in the subject line. Sign up to the wait list for my course, Live and Thrive with Endo here. My cookbook This EndoLife, It Starts w