This Endolife

My Small Intestine Fungal Overgrowth Protocol



Okay, so a number of you have reached out to ask me whether I’m going to talk about my next steps for SIFO treatment, which I wasn’t originally going to do as I have an expert in mind to invite onto the show, but as a number of you asked, I hope that sharing my story will be somewhat helpful for you!  So, unlike with SIBO where I had quite a long-term plan in mind, this I am more so feeling out my journey because as I discussed in my previous update, I’m not 100% sure if the issue is gut dysbiosis or SIFO. So, to recap, let’s start with what SIFO is. SIFO stands for small intestine fungal overgrowth and it’s when fungus like yeast (or other fungi) grow in the small intestine. We do have some normal, non-harmful levels of fungus and yeast in the large intestine, but they become a problem either when they overgrow or when they’re found I the small intestine.  Unfortunately, the symptoms of SIFO are exactly the same as SIBO, so it can be very tricky to identify between the two. What makes it harder is that te