This Endolife

Nutrition for Endo 101



Today is another live Q&A from back in June, as due to being unwell and the passing of our cat, I have been unable to complete the planned episode for this week. But, this Q&A is chock full of the foundations of eating for endo, so I hope you find it useful. In this Q&A on nutrition for endometriosis, I cover… The research behind the anti-inflammatory diets and the most researched diets for pain. The key components of an anti-inflammatory diet. Why personalisation is so important. Deficiencies, absorption of nutrients and how to ensure variation. How to eat for blood sugar balance. I also answer some specific SIBO, gut questions and foodie questions. I really hope you find this episode helpful and it gives you some starters to support you with your own tailored endometriosis diet.  Listen and subscribe on your favourite player or listen directly/download MP3 here or just listen below! Let's get social! Come say hello on Instagram or sign up to my newsletter. Sign up to my free