This Endolife

My Most Effective Strategies After Seven Years of Managing Endo



Okay so as it’s the start of a new year I thought I’d do a reflective type episode.  I’ve been doing this podcast for a couple of years and many of you have been with me on this journey of transformation with my endometriosis, but I realised I’ve not really done an episode where I’ve shared my biggest needle movers in terms of endo strategies. I recently did a live on my key go-to daily strategies and this is a bit similar, but this is all about the things I am certain have made the biggest changes to my symptoms.  Now, they’re not the only changes – supporting my liver, improving my gut health, adhesion work, physiotherapy and many more strategies have made a big difference too, but if for some crazy reason my life depended on it and I had to give just four strategies that I think made the biggest difference, it would be these. Read more Let's get social! Come say hello on Instagram or sign up to my newsletter. Sign up to my free Ease Endo Tea Challenge here. Sign up to the wait list for my course, Live and