This Endolife

Endometriosis and Your Hormones: Oestrogen 101



We talk a lot about oestrogen on this show, and so today, I want to give you a complete low down on oestrogen – what it does, how it benefits you and how it can affect you when things go wrong.  Now, before we go ahead, I just want to share a trigger warning – I talk about reproduction and pregnancy in this episode. It’s not a huge part of it, but it’s there, so please feel free to skip this episode if you need to. Another trigger warning in this episode is that I talk about the connection between oestrogen dominance and obesity. If this feels triggering for you, please skip! It is the final point on the causes of excess oestrogen/oestrogen dominance, and comes after the point on endocrine disruptors. Read more Let's get social! Come say hello on Instagram or sign up to my newsletter. Sign up to my free Ease Endo Tea Challenge here. Sign up to the wait list for my course, Live and Thrive with Endo here. My new Nutrition for Endo Masterclasses are out now and are on special offer for Black Friday. Get one mast