This Endolife

Four At-Home Ways to Boost Your Migrating Motor Complex If You Have Endo Belly or SIBO



Okay so today we’re talking about the all-important migrating motor complex. Let’s start with what the MMC, which is just what’s it usually abbreviated to for ease, actually is. The migrating motor complex is a wave like emotion that occurs in the small intestine, not large, between meals and overnight. This wave motion clears out any old food debris and bacteria once food has already passed through into the large intestine, so basically, see the MMC as the washing up, once all the leftover food has been cleared off the dinner plates.  Now, the MMC is crucial for good gut health and when it slows down, we get a build-up of bacteria and old food, this means that not only is there a constant supply of food debris in the small intestine for bacteria to munch on, but every time food enters the small intestine, that food will be munched too.  Read more Let's get social! Come say hello on Instagram or sign up to my newsletter. My cookbook This EndoLife, It Starts with Breakfast is out now! Get 28 anti-inflammatory,