This Endolife

Endo Belly and SIBO Q&A: If It's Not SIBO, What Is It?



In this second edition of my special endo belly IG live series, I’m really focusing on SIBO specifically, diagnosis, treatment troubleshooting and why you may get a negative test - even if you’re actually positive. And if you are genuinely negative for SIBO, I also talk about the other possible root causes behind your endo belly. So, here are the questions I’m answering today: What’s the difference between chronic SIBO and one off? Which types of bacteria cause SIBO? Do GPs have an awareness of SIBO? What could cause a negative test if you’re sure you have SIBO? Do GI specialists on the NHS know how to diagnose and treat SIBO? What else could cause endo belly and bloating if it’s not SIBO? If you’ve found this live helpful or you’d like to learn more, or you’re just sick of the endo belly, I’m holding two free endo belly workshops this week… To support those of you who are struggling with overwhelm or not knowing where to start with beating the endo belly, I’m running a free workshop in two weeks – Creating a