John Hebenton's Podcast

Lydia, Love and Ukraine



Debbie Garret looks at the story of Lydia in Acts, and then Jesus teaching around love in John's Gospel. How does that help us when faced with the kinds of things happening in our world like in Ukraine. How are we to love each other, our neighbours, and our enemies.Debbie writes, "Today’s reading from Acts 16: 9-15 features Lydia, a “God fearing” woman who was lived in Thyatira which was one of the Macedonian colonies.   She was a wealthy businesswoman who dyed and sold high quality purple cloth.  It’s not certain that she was of Jewish descent, but she worshipped according to the Jewish faith and each day she would go to the riverside where she met with other women for prayer and other Jewish dyers.  It was there she met Paul and his companions.  Although Lydia was not a Christian, she had a hunger for a deeper spiritual experience so listened intently to Paul’s teaching.  The Lord opened her heart, and she and her household were baptised.  Lydia was Paul’s first European convert.  She continued wi