Relatively Geeky Network

RGP #023 -- JLMay 2020 - Planet Heist



Relatively Geeky Presents #23: JLMay 2020The Return of Adam Strange 1 - 8, DC Comics, cover-dated November 2004 - June 2005.All stories written by Andy Diggle, with art by Pascal (or is it Pasquale?) Ferry.What happens when the entire planet Rann is Zeta-beamed completely out of existence? Listen to the episode and find out!Click on the player below to listen to the episode:  Right-click to download the episode directly You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.Promo: Earth Destruction DirectiveFollow the JLMay adventure through the following podcasts:Justice's First Dawn Coffee & ComicsViews from the Longbox The Fanholes Wonder Woman: Warrior for Peace The Birds of Prey Podcast Married with ComicsThe Longbox CrusadeRobin: Everyone Loves the DrakePop Culture Affidvait The Fire & Water Podcast Send e-mail feedback to