Relatively Geeky Network

QBP #167 - The Jaguar Annual #1



Quarter-Bin Podcast #167The Jaguar Annual #1, !mpact Comics, cover-dated July 1992."Silent Winged Death" by William Messner-Loebs, with art by Scott Collins & Andrew Pepoy. And 2 backup stories. What does Professor think of his second deep-dive into the !mpact Line of Comics? How many of these three stories tie into the Earth Quest event? Do we learn anything about the Earth Quest event? Where do these stories fall on the Comet - Web scale?Listen to the episode and find out!Click on the player below to listen to the episode:  Right-click to download episode directly You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed. Promo: Days of High Adventure Next Episode: The Cases of Sherlock Holmes 14, Renegade Press, cover-dated July 1988.        . Send e-mail feedback to "Like" us on Facebook at can follow the network on Twitter @Relatively_