Lykken On Lending

3-9-15 INDUSTRY UPDATE: Chuck Klein of MBS with a Mergers & Acquisition Update



Not a week goes by that we don't hear of another MERGER and/or ACQUISITION (M&A) transaction.  What is going on?  What is driving the latest round of M&A transactions?  Is this level of M&A activity normal?  Should you consider BUYING, SELLING or MERGING?     On today's broadcast, we are delighted to have back as our special guest CHUCK KLEIN, Managing Partner of Mortgage Banking Solutions.  Chuck  has over 20 years of mergers and acquisition experience and is one of the nation's foremost authorities on the topic.  We'll be  Discussing the following questions and a lot more: If you were to sell your company, what is it worth today? Have company valuations changed?Which production channels seem to have more franchise value than others?What are some of the accounting and tax issues that come up in an M&A transaction? Created BY mortgage professional FOR mortgage professionals, Lykken on Lending is a weekly 60-minute radio program hosted by mortgage veteran, David Lykken. Joining the program ea