Lykken On Lending

7-31-17 A Panel Discussion on GSE Reform



Our discussion on GSE reform continues again this week with a distinguished panel of industry veterans Joe Murin, the President of Ginnie Mae in 2008 & 2009, Jay Brinkmann former Chief Economist of the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) and Gary Ort who recently retired Texas Capital Bank (TCB) where he was the President of Mortgage Finance for the TCB.  With over a 100 years of combined  experience, this panel will bring a unique historical perspective to our ongoing discuss on GSE reform.  You can be assured this panel has some great advice for those championing much needed GSE reform.   As normal, the first half of the program will feature, Joe Farr of MBS Quoteline providing a rate & market update, Alice Alvey of Union Home Mortgage providing a regulatory & legislative update & Sam Garcia of Mortgage Daily giving us a quick overview of the latest news stories impacting our industry and Andy Schell, a/k/a "Profit Doctor" sharing ideas on how to improve your bottom line.   Please tell ot