Lykken On Lending

3-1-21 Reducing Turnover Through A Behavioral Data Approach to Hiring



Hi everybody, looks like we've got a really interesting podcast planned for Monday discussing recruiting, in fact, it's kicking off a month long series of podcasts on recruiting and putting together the right teams. This is an opportunity for us to really focus on “who do we want on the bus and who do we want off the bus” to use Jim Collins' great analogy. In difficult economic times, the companies that succeed are the ones that have developed a good recruiting process! Our guests are….Jim and Genia (jee·nee) Blanchard who are the owners of Strategic Positioning; they're Birkman Consultant experts and use the Birkman personality Assessment method to provide insight into the recruiting process and how to reduce turnover through a behavioral data approach to hiring! Click here to check out Jim’s previous guest appearance in the show! If you want to read on, click here!