Lykken On Lending

5-31-2021 Challenge of a Rising Rate Environment and Subservicing



Whether you are looking for a correspondent or a sub-servicing lender... The Money Source Inc. approaches every customer relationship with the expertise that we see as the cornerstone of meaningful relationships…. TMS is a national company on a mission to help #GrowHappiness!!! TMS Subservicing may be that one Top 10 sub-servicer you’ve never heard of or know little about. As a former originator for years, we’ve spent most of the past decade totally focused on the Sub-servicing experience. Having that insight into originations has served us well in providing the customer service we’re known for, the technology we’ve developed, and the products we’ve created.  Want to know more aboutJason Kwasny?  Jason Kwasny, Executive Vice President of “The Money Source” - Servicing To read more about this episode click here.