Across The Desk With Elizabeth Plouffe

#97: Sneaky Shit: What are they REALLY getting you to do?



Does your gut every give you a message? Run? Don't trust that person? Some signal that you sometimes ignore? Don't. Trust is something that requires honesty on both sides. Honesty for you listening to your gut and what it's telling you to do and honesty from the person trying to connect with you. If you live in a head space where being a schmuck is the only way to operate, you have a different take on trust. You use it as a means to get what you need. You build it to your advantage. You have no idea the damage that you are doing not only to yourself (in the long run) and to others in your industry. When you are a schmuck in a certain industry, you end up painting so many people with the schmuck brush that don't deserve it and they then pay the price. We focus today on the right way to build trust. Some things to look for when your gut is stamping it's foot and why you should listen. Don't be a trust schmuck!