Across The Desk With Elizabeth Plouffe

#131: What Drives You?



Do you sometimes step back from your business and think, "What in the hell am I doing this for?" I have. Lots. And then I figured out why. I wasn't listening to what drives me. That little voice that says, "Hell yes! This is what I was born to do!" I was born to teach. Took me many years to figure that out. I was also born to solve problems and put out fires. I love it. Makes me do the Mambo when I get to do that. One way I feed that habit is by being an event planner. Nothing says run like a lunatic like being in charge of a team of people delivering an event with hundreds of attendees. It blows my kilt up in a big way :) But if you haven't found your drive, or at least what drives you on certain aspects of your business, maybe it's time to take a look at why. Or better yet - who can you give those jobs to that rob you of your drive so that you can get back on track! Interested? Listen on.