Across The Desk With Elizabeth Plouffe

#144: Basackwardness. It's a thing.



I loved what I wrote but did not love what I said. SO! This is new track. Why? 'Cuz it's my damn podcast and I can. I'm not a huge fan of "it" words. Start using things like empowerment and be your why and I start heading for the door. That's not to say there isn't value in any of those things. I just have to get over the nausea first. That's a bit of what todays' Entrepreneurial Entrails is about. Getting over your crap. The things that get in your way. The things that hold your business back. Me? It's because I have some inherent need to make everything harder for myself so it feels like it has value. Comes too easy? Psh. Worthless. Stay tuned. Some shit's about to go sideways.