Across The Desk With Elizabeth Plouffe

#152: How Bad is Your Ass?



Since becoming an entrepreneur, I've had a lot of learning to do. Not just about business but about myself. I've always been considered a bit of a "rebel" though not in the conventional sense. I don't have any desire to get a Mohawk and I don't have the body (any more) to rock some of the rebel fashions. Plus they look awfully uncomfortable and if it doesn't work for me, I don't wear it. That's where the rebel comes in. I speak my mind. I take chances. I do things most people in my circle wouldn't try. Like a podcast ;) 3 years ago, however, I was still transitioning from employee to entrepreneur. I was falling on my ass that's for sure. Getting tired of that pretty quickly, I turned to my trusty books. Diving in to business books, books on skills I wanted to develop and books on leaders helped me to dust my ass off and keep going. Jen Sincero's book is not only for where I was 3 years ago but where I'm heading for the next 30. If you'd like to turn your bruised ass in to a badass, take a listen.