Kevin Whitsitt

How to Get Paid from Google News and Press Releases?



Click on the link below for more...  Hey, today I want to talk about Press Releases and how we can earn money from them.   First, you may be wondering what the hell is a press release right?   A press release really is just a summarised story of an announcement.  The goal of a press release is to pique the interest of a journalist, publication and people.  The main goal is do drive traffic, there are many ways it can do it.    Your press release may be picked up by a major news outlet and a journalist could create a story about you.  That is the best-case scenario. That could mean tons of traffic.   Next, they are read by journalists and other people that cover the news and this is ALL traffic itself. The last way, which I count on is with search engines.  Yea, Press releases do show up in search engines.  At this point, you probably have tons of questions such as h