

Being an entrepreneur means understanding the “reverse psychology” that will make you successful. Many times the reason why entrepreneurs and small business owners struggle is because we fall so deeply in love with our product.  We’re so excited about the difference we want to make, or we’re so passionate about the work we do, that we forget the only way we’re going to be able to continue is if we focus first on building an audience.   In Episode 125, I’m covering How To Get Paid To Create Your First Online Course.  Creating an online course that is the perfect match for your audience is an asset in your business that you can use for years to come.  A step-by-step system allows for people to easily and quickly create passive income in their business.     It’s time you use that passion of yours and start channeling it into giving your audience the outcome they’re searching for.   In this episode, you will learn… learn how to create your course without a huge list, a sales page, or crazy launches how to marke