

There is no ‘I’ in team. You win together and you lose together...all as a team.   When you invest in your team, big results do happen. Take it from entrepreneur and business growth strategist, Stacey Tuschl. She started a business in her backyard and grew it into a 7 figure business. And when she knew major growth was coming her way, she invested in her team.   Stacey knew that she had to get in front of the growth and make the move to hire. It can be scary, don't get me wrong, but it's necessary.   When you start to build you team, look for low-cost ways to start: You don’t have to hire a whole team right away. Start with a base and build up your fortress. Hire one person, part time to get you started and grow from there Take advantage of the many free resources available. If you spend a lot of money on a tool or resource, find a free one to balance out the transaction Sometimes you need a side job to build up your own business. When you are building a business, money still needs to come in. Remember it is