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USR 297: How To Develop An Effective Internship Program For Your Small Business



We talk on this show all the time about creating the foundation for a winning team. Today, I want to pull back the curtain and take you back to before some of my own employees were a part of my team… to when they were interns!   Some of my best full time hires have come from internships. Having an internship program in your business is so important because you can:   Pre-evaluate your hires and   Do so in an affordable way where you can remove some of the tactical work for your plate while helping your interns gain invaluable career and business experience   When you are growing in any organization, people are everything. Those who wait too long to hire are the ones that struggle immensely building their business and becoming a leader.   (3:15) “Bottom line here is there is no better way to find amazing employees that learn fast, pick up at rocket speed, are energetic, excited and are going to give a boost to your small business than through bringing on interns.”   (6:47) “It’s to their benefit here because