

What’s the first thing you think of when you think of Pinterest? Probably weddings and different ways to make your favorite desserts. But have you ever thought about using Pinterest to gain exposure your business?   In today's episode, we are talking to social media strategist, Pinterest expert, and CEO of White Glove Social Media: Anna Bennett.   People don’t always think of Pinterest as the ‘the platform’ but Anna is sharing with us why it can actually be the GO TO social media site. For the female millennial group this is a growing platform, and one other businesses need to pay attention to.   By combining strategy, visually appealing photographs, and incorporating your blog--you will not only master the world of Pinterest but grow your business at the same time.   (3:05) “Biggest benefit is that Pinterest can really help your business rank on the first page of Google, under your most important keywords. We all know that keywords is something that we often type into google.”   (13:00) “You need to be follo