Trs Radio

TRS107 Ben Hoffman



In this episode Ben talks to Emily Cocks and Dark Mark about Ironman Texas, the amazing comeback of Andrew Starykowitz, and the Rapp versus Dimond legal drama.  Next up, Ben Hobbs interviewed Ben Hoffman, the Ironman South Africa champ and reigning fastest American in Kona. They discussed golf, Airstreams, wedding crashers, Strava bullying and racing hungover among other triathlon related topics.  Bonus Content: If you want to hear this and other bonus content, please consider becoming a patron. You can also support the show by leaving a glowing iTunes review.  Sponsors: To receive 10% off of TriRig Omega X brake and/or the amazing Omni bike, visit Follow Castelli Triathlon on Instagram and visit their website to learn more about custom kits for triathlon clubs.  Another great way to support TRS Triathlon and TRS Radio is to use our link when shopping on Amazon. Make this your Amazon bookmark. Thank you