Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep443 Breaking the Blues



On the last episode I shared some personal feelings I was experiencing that I can only describe as the "Post" Covid Blues. A lack of drive, joy , and overall motivation to attack life. I knew that it was temporary but at the same time meaningful. Now that I am on the other side of this mental state I can share some perspective on not only what I was dealing with but more importantly how to get out of it. I realized I was falling in to the trap of trying to keep up with everyone's highlight reel on their social media. Somehow I wasn't doing enough in my business, comedy and overall ability to crush life. I felt that whatever I was doing, watching or enjoying was somehow the wrong thing which left me an overwhelming sense of missing out. The key to eliminate this was to disconnect from the source of my FMO. Turn off and tune out the noise. The next step was to reconnect with positive people in my life and enjoy the simple things. I took my kids to San Diego and spent 4 days surfing with my pal Robert Yang and e