St. Luke Columbus

Transition, Part 1: Mind the Gap // Mike Weaver



The people of Israel were at a transition point in their history.  They had arrived at a new chapter in their history, a place no one had been.  Across the river was the land God had promised.  Moses died and Joshua was chosen to lead the people through the river into a new beginning.   Transitions mean change and change brings stress with it.  Things will not be as they were.  There is an inherent risk in change, in transitions, but there is also beauty as we anticipate what will be.   A new chapter in St. Luke’s history is upon us.  We get to be part of the ongoing story of God for this congregation.  It will be challenging.  Storms await.  We will be ok.  God is doing a new thing.  Do we perceive it? Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website