Don Woods

Jess Conrad's Pullover



We have just been subjected to the local elections with blanket TV coverage....personally I couldn't be less interested.....with BBC reporters being sent all over the country by planes and trains to do interviews in the street....well worth my licence fee.....I don't think. Then we have the big build up to Susanna Reid interviewing Boris `Johnson....which is the first interview he has done on ITV in 5 years....I switched it off half way through.....the only way it could have been worse was if Piers Morgan had interviewed him. After Kier Starmer has been going on and on and on about the Boris Xmas party....he is now being investigated for a similar "offence" a year ago.....and THIS is's like a bunch of school kids. I'm delighted for BP and Shell after they announced the billions they have made in profits....of course they have made billions...they have been ripping us off for years.....the rich get richer......diesel is £1.74 a litre which in real terms is £7 a's a joke. And on the