Never Ever Give Up Hope

Do You Know How to Allow Your Past to Help, Rather than Hurt You?



Have you felt hopeless? Or that your life was beyond your control? Have you dealt with the emotions surrounding those feelings and wondered if things would ever be different?   Do you want to know how to overcome traumas in life that seem overwhelming and realize what you were created to become?  Kimberly Anne Bell holds a degree in human growth and development/psychology and one in theology. Her story is a perfect example of allowing your past to help, rather than hurt, you.  Kimberly never gave up hope even in the direst circumstances.  The main factor that helped Kimberly overcome trauma in her life was to accept her past and realize she was created unique, wonderfully made, with flaws, feelings, and emotions, and that I was a gift from above. Just as important I had to accept that I was created to be loved, have abundant life, and achieve God's purpose to be blessed and to be a blessing to others.  During her interview, she shares her physical, mental, and, emotional struggles as well as sexual abuse and