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103 | Hybrid Working: Is it Really the Best of Both Worlds? | Andrew Bartlow



Episode Summary:  Organisations of all sizes are trying to define parameters for today's new workplace cultures – whether remote, on-site or in-between. Host, Scott McInnes, invites a people management expert Andrew Bartlow, the Founder and Managing Partner at the People Leader Accelerator, to share his 25+ years of expertise. Andrew shares practical tips and tools leaders can implement when establishing healthy workplace cultures. He dives into detail on a critical strategy –– clarity –– and its importance in engaging and motivating your organization to pursue corporate goals.  Thank you to our sponsor, Workvivo, the communications and collaboration platform that provides seamless digital integration for your hybrid or traditional workplace.  If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider clicking here to rate and review it!  Key Takeaways:  1. Leaders need to stay flexible and iterative with new workplace models while at the same time communicating solid, dependable plans.  2. Change management via tiny steps