Prison Professors With Michael Santos

142. Earning Freedom (12.2), by Michael Santos



Earning Freedom, by Michael Santos Conquering a 45-Year Prison Term Chapter Twelve: 2005-2007 Months 209-231: Discussing adjustment in Lompoc federal prison camp, descriptions of housing, job details, writing projects. ******* The SIS interview alerts me to my high-profile status at Lompoc and I walk out of the meeting expecting resistance from the staff. I can deal with that. Inside is in publication and St. Martin’s Press is launching an international release that will put my work before tens of thousands. I’m willing to pay whatever price the system exacts so long as I leave prison with more skills and resources that will contribute to my family’s stability. But I also need to coast for a while, to lower my visibility and to consolidate my gains in preparation for my next project, whatever that is. In the meantime I pay attention to two factors that influence peace in prison, a bunk assignment and a job assignment. In Lompoc’s warehouse-style living, we’re packed in. When I sit up on my top rack, all I see