Ever Vigilant

Out of the Ashes | Myles Francis



Welcome to Season Two of Heroes Wanted, we are going to start this season out with a BANG. Myles was not only a multiple-time guest on Ever Vigilant but I am proud to call this man a friend. Some have wondered what happened to the Snake Doctor, and he is ready to tell his tale. We start out talking about his business and first aid like we have many times before, but that is just the beginning of this epic podcast episode. Myles goes deep and shares the trials and tribulations of the last two years, but this is not a story of defeat. It is a story of a man rising from the ashes a better, stronger man, driven by his faith and a resounding purpose. This is a story of hope for all, a testimony of God's faithfulness in the midst of the storm. Whether you are in the middle of a storm or you see one on the horizon this is an episode that you do not want to miss.Archangel Dynamics & Myles https://archangeldynamics.com/@archangeldynamics@callsign_snakedoctorHeroes Wantedhttps://www.heroeswanted.us/coaching