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Why Aren’t There Coaches in the Shooting Sports?



If you look at any sport, other than practical shooting you'll notice that people work with a single coach for a long period of time. In practical shooting though, folks tend to work their way up the rankings alone, with just dryfire and live fire practice, and the occasional training class from someone who's a national champion or something. The trouble here is that when you're going to learn from someone who doesn't know you, and might not ever see you again, you're only getting the day or two of instruction, and then it's all back on you. When I was a kid I played a little bit of little league, and I remember our coaches being immensely helpful in making us better players. Our dryfire was playing catch, or practicing pitches, or even the pickup baseball game in the grassy lot behind the local church. Then we got actual coaching from our coaches where they'd help us learn how to practice better, make corrections, etc. Then, the best kids on the team (not me...) would go off to clinics in the summer time whe