Ace Weekly

Answers to Anxiety - ACEWEEKLY100



Answers to Anxiety In a world that is changing faster than ever before, mental health struggles like anxiety, and depression, are running rampant. So many people struggle with these things but as a HIGH-PERFORMER, it’s easy. But the unfortunate truth is that sometimes anxiety comes after the best of us. It’s easy to take your mental health for granted until you’re in the thick of it.  Ultimately, anxiety is a sign that we are out of alignment with ourselves. Your heart and body is telling you one thing, but your mind is telling you another. Anxiety itself isn’t the root cause… it’s a symptom. Most “solutions” are really just band-aids covering up the symptoms rather than actually curing the problem.  This week, Andrew and Luke talk about their struggles with this topic, and share some wisdom on getting out of a depression or an anxious slump. They dive into the body’s intelligence and how to listen to yourself, along with analyzing yourself using the 5 planes of reality to really dive into the real problems r