Abra Money 3.0

Cryptocurrencies and taxes



In this episode of Money 3.0, Abra's Daniel McGlynn talks to co-founder and CEO of CryptoTrader.tax, David Kemmerer. They talk a lot about how crypto is taxed and how to prepare for the upcoming tax season. They also talk about the recent IRS cryptocurrency guidance and how it is a good thing for the crypto space overall. At one point in the show, the CryptoTrader.Tax 2019 Guide to Cryptocurrency Taxes is mentioned. That guide can be found here. A full transcript of this episode is available on the Abra blog. Download Abra and set up a cryptocurrency wallet today at abra.com. This podcast is presented by BlockWorks Group. For exclusive content and events that provide insights into the crypto and blockchain space, visit them at: blockworksgroup.io