- The Pluri Media Group

CPR #125 - Wikileaks and the Sausage Matrix.



Music: “Peer-2-Peer/Botnet” by DJ DefwheezerSize: 2295000Duration: 16:02Audio File: mp3Cyberpunks 2011- the neo technorati, living a greyHat underground lifestyle. Global Depression and daily angst results in low consumption; when an animal is sick, it stops eating. FEAR Inc. is effectively subduing the masses; consumption is again rising. Leaks are a nuisance and necessitate more stringent information control; individual personal IP address registration to quell civil disobedience inspired DDOS network disruptions. The US government may have trouble extraditing suspected criminals because the US is known to use torture against detainees in frank violation of International Law. The trans national, trans media Julian Assange and his Wikileaks compatriots have the courage and the techspertise to enable the exposing of Corruption and deceit at the highest levels of both Corporations and Governments.Edward Bernays said in his 1928 book Propaganda that, “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organ