

Our knitting projects are not inspiring right now, but we do have good news about the Kelly’s vintage trailer and an update on bees. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website: Join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Subscribe on Android or Subscribe on Google Podcasts Jul Designs coupon code: 15% off with code TWOEWES.  They have a wide variety of shawl pins and cuffs, and clever screw-on leather and metal closures. Marsha’s Projects:  Garter Squish Blanket On the tenth color. Realized I wouldn’t have enough contrasting colors. Searched my stash but couldn’t find any solid worsted weight yarn! Bought two skeins of Cascade 220 (teal and coral) so now have sixteen contrasting colors. Unpattern Top Down Raglan Pullover by Karen Alfke. I finished the Fibonacci Sequence striping of the body except for the ribbing. I’m waiting for Ben to try on the sweater