Happiness Hacks

Episode 126: Setting and Keeping Habits With Sarah Von Bargen



Habit is one of those words I have a negative reaction too.  Like a lot of people, I have tried to create healthy habits and tried to be super militant about maintaining them, only to fail miserably.  What are we supposed to do? On one extreme we have the voice of the Monger who is constantly beating us down for this failure – not exactly motivating – and on the other, we have our BFF who encourages to rebel against anything habitual.  So, yeah, the word habit brings up all kinds of stuff for me.  This is why I wanted to talk to Sarah Von Bargen of Yes and Yes, the “lifestyle blog for smart, funny people.” Sarah is an expert in setting and keeping habits. She writes and teaches on Yes and Yes about setting habits, money, happiness, and about recognizing self-defeating behaviors and taking action on them anyway.  One thing that struck me about this interview with Sarah was her emphasis on small manageable changes – the opposite of my old pattern around habits. Healthy habits are not about all or nothing. It’s