Happiness Hacks

Episode 127: Anxiety, Avoidance, and Money With Financial Behaviorist Jacquette Timmons



There is one thing almost everyone does when their anxiety gets high.  They avoid.  Whether through food, alcohol, social media, or money–we avoid.  All this month I am talking with experts in these four areas of avoiding. We’re pulling back the curtains on our avoiding ways and how we can make small manageable changes to bring intention to our lives.  We're kicking this off this month talking with Jacquette Timmons about money.  Money and avoidance go hand in hand. Money is a very loaded topic for people in general, but especially those with High Functioning Anxiety. We avoid dealing with our money. We avoid talking about money. We engage in overspending or being overly controlling about money. All of these patterns come from one place – avoiding our intentions and feelings about money.  Jacquette Timmons is a national investment expert and financial coach. She is the founder of Sterling Investment Management, a New York-based investment education and financial coaching firm. She has worked in the inves