Happiness Hacks

Episode 133: The Value of Self-Loyalty



Devoted, constant, and committed – all my clients would list loyalty as one of their highest values. Loyalty to their mothers, fathers, spouses, kids, friends, work, and the world in general. They are the listeners, supporters, lovers, givers, cheerleaders, and fans. They are the caregivers for their aging parents. They are the backbone of their families, relationships, and workplaces. The dark side of this loyalty to others is the exhaustion, the never-ending to-do list, the never feeling good enough, whole enough, satisfied enough.  The anxiety. All this month we are exploring the unique values of someone with High Functioning Anxiety and how they silently struggle with these values.  Last week we talked with Brittany Berger about anxiety and productivity. This week I am talking about how those of us with HFA value loyalty.   Here is the irony: some of the kindest, gentlest, giving people in the world never quite feel kind, gentle, or giving enough. Want to know why? They are so busy devoting themselves to