Your Mileage May Vary

Mike Reads Literotica, Answers Listener Questions, Tackles Escort Philosophy, Gives Self Handjob



Mike does a solo episode, tackling some listener feedback, reading literotica to our listeners, going though some feedback on the escort-aficionado forum and answering a bevy of sex/relationship questions, lightning-round style. Genuinely dozens of topics covered, enough to make anyone happy, he hopes. What are the best and worst things about hosting a sex podcast? Are we mansplaining too much? Are we right about squirting? And, how many of you are turned on by the literotica Mike selected? You're welcome to send us your own selections for us to read on air and give feedback. In particular, we should probably try an episode focusing on what women like in literotica, as most of what we've found so far seems like it must really be targeting men. If, for some reason, listeners want the full effect of the literotica discussed and read in the episode, here it is: We discussed some posts regarding escorts and Seeking A