Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep441 Strength or Tai Chi



When you apply a stress to the body the body adapts. So thats what we do. We create programs that stress the body. The bigger the stress the bigger the adaptation. But what if instead of making exercises harder, we made them easier? What if you could produce the same amount of work with less effort? Wouldn't that make you a better athlete? As a strength coach I add resistance. As a performance coach I make you move that resistance with less effort. More efficiency! Like Tai Chi! Need guidance and mentorship to help you accomplish your DreamBIG? Simply fill out this application or if you want more information go to Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better Register for all your MyTPI classes here: Fitness Level 3 is May 6-8th Want to buy some equipment? Of course you do! Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, K