Overcoming Narcissism With Olivia

E3 How to Practice Self Care in Business and Avoid Burnout



Happy Valentines Day sista friends!! Today we are lovin on OURSELVES and addressing the most important topic for running a successful business: self-care.  addressing the most important topic for running a successful business: self-care. I start off by discussing what self-care is and looks like, then I delve into why it is so important. Self-care is all about taking care of yourself, honoring your body, mind, and spirit, and figuring out what sustains you long-term. It is so important to value yourself and take care of your own being before everything. I even provide my own experiences during my journey of being full-time and running a side hustle, how I looked after myself, the mistakes I made, and what I wish I knew going in. I then spend some time talking about burnout, signs to know if you are burnt out in your biz, and how to manage and prevent it. And finally, I launch into tons of different things you can do for yourself to practice self-care, both while you’re working and when you’re not working. “Ut