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102 | Knitting Remote Into Workplace Culture | Darren Murph, Head of Remote at GitLab Inc



Episode Summary:  Darren Murph is an organisational architect who specialises in and knows what works – and what doesn’t. Based on 15 years at GitLab, most recently as Head of Remote, he has all kinds of concrete advice for organisations trying to figure out the correct configuration for their individually distributed workplace models.   Some C-suiters are reluctant to abandon old office-based operations, emphasizing proximity over business results. But looking ahead at the role and impacts of organisational design, Darren believes the forward-thinking, progressive leaders (and ultimately the most successful enterprises) will embrace flexibility, learning and a healthy redefinition of what it means to … build better cultures.  You can check out GitLab’s playbook, filled with information about all things remote, here.   If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider clicking here to rate, review and follow it!    Key Takeaways:  GitLab was founded as an all-remote company and today has 1,500 team members in m