Pat's View: Inspirational Stories

Who is the Holy Spirit? He is God.



Do you have questions about who Holy Spirit is and what He does in a believer's life? Many believers see His name, Holy Spirit, in the Bible and don't have any idea Who He is. We need to know Him. He is important enough to take the time to learn about Him. Many churches celebrate Pentecost Sunday without really understanding what it is. It's an important day, when we celebrate both the Word and the Holy Spirit. (If you don’t know why I say that, then you need to get my book Precious Holy Spirit. This book will answer your questions and help you experience more of what God has for you. Just like the disciples and followers of Jesus needed and were commanded by Jesus to stay until they were endued with power, WE NEED THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. So, for the next few weeks I’m going to be talking about my precious friend, Holy Spirit. I’ve been working on some new stuff that I am super excited to share with you! This week’s teaching is brand n