Father Snort

Why Are We Here? For Proclamation - Audio



Brad Sullivan Easter Vigil, Year A April 15, 2017 Emmanuel, Houston Matthew 28:1-10 Why Are We Here? For Proclamation What are we doing here? It’s Saturday night on a long weekend. We could be out on the town; or staying at home, relaxing; or watching the new Star Wars preview for the 17th, 18th, and 19th times no YouTube. Instead we’re here in church, doing much the same thing and in the same place where we are going to be tomorrow morning. We’ve spent the last 40 days of our Lenten journey preparing for this night. As Jesus spent 40 days in the desert preparing for his ministry and death, as his disciples spent three years with Jesus preparing for their new life in him, we have been preparing. We’ve been learning from Jesus, learning to follow in his way. We’ve been working at re-membering, at joining ourselves back to him. We’ve been learning to rely more and more on Jesus through our Lenten journey. Not