420 @ Legacy 420 - PACE Radio Network



We are going On The Road and meeting up with our friends from KGLTV to bring you this special broadcast Join us today as we go LIVE from Legacy 420 to help them celebrate 420 plus Pass The Peace Pipe, a project to help those addicted to opiate drugs. Pass The Peace Pipe project is a joint project between St.Fatty’s Day and Legacy 420 as they work to build opiate healing houses across the country, one build at a time. Al and Kelly are on location and the network hosts Tamara, Lo and Glenn will be joining them via cyber space. The crew will be talking to those attending the event.But there’s more….Not only are we talking opiate healing houses but we’re also talking about the special 420 deals, special prizes and giveaways that you can get at Legacy. Deals that last into the weekend. Yes these 420 specials are good until the 24th.So join us here on our networks page, on our YouTube channel or better yet join us on location at 11amET. Legacy 420 is located at 346 York Rd in Tyendinaga so if you’re within driving