Down The Security Rabbithole

DtR Episode 26 - Guest: Brad Arkin of Adobe - Software Security Under Pressure



Synopsis This episode is special because it's been a long-time-in-the-making interview with Brad Arkin of Adobe. This is the organization that many of the hacker community like to hate, and pick on - without realizing the monumental task of securing the software that Brad's team is responsible for. Brad's official title at Adobe is Engineering Senior Director but in real life one of the responsibilities his team is tasked with is doing product security for products like Adobe Flash and Reader ... Brad's take on software security and how he got the bug problem under control at Adobe is worth a listen! Guest Brad Arkin - Engineering Senior Director at Adobe - Brad has a long history of being involved in the Information Security world, particularly software security and has held many interesting roles from Cigital, to a technical director at @Stake, to working his way through Adobe since 2008. Brad can be found on LinkedIn, here: