Don Woods

Walk Don't Run



The news is still going on about Boris Johnson's Xmas party.....all this is doing now is giving no mark M.P.s the opportunity to get their faces on TV all saying the same thing with none of them coming up with any alternative solutions.....definitely time to MOVE ON. The easiest job in the world is be a critic or a football pundit....we have professional film critics who grace us with their opinions....and pundits who sit round a table and discuss a match we have just watched....and get highly paid for doing about easy money.....and this comes out of our TV licence....which will no doubt soon go up because of the shortage of oil or something equally as stupid. Main roads are being altered to include wide cycle long before the accidents start?....not to mention idiots on electric bikes. The local council's latest brilliant idea is to increase the charge of emptying your garden waste bin from 35 pounds to 50 pounds a year which hasn't gone down too well with our the