Dos Marcos

Wedding Season: Grab Your Share of $1 Billion in Mattress Sales



Do you know how to tap into the buying power of the bride? If you don't, this is the season to learn. It has been said that 2022 will see more weddings than have been held in a single year since 1984! Why? Covid19. Weddings have been on hold for the past two years and bank accounts have been stacking up. Now with an endemic in site, people are making good on their long-overdue weddings and the mattress industry should get in on the action. The average wedding hosts around 200 guests. If furniture and mattress retailers could get 1 person from each wedding to make a mattress purchase for the bride and groom, it would total over $1 billion in revenue. This begs the question: how should you position a mattress at the top of a registry list? 1) Wedding Expos. Get in on the action. Be in the place where the people are. Along with DJs, wedding bakers, and florists, book a spot at your local wedding expo and set up a mattress on display. 2) Market To Parents. Parents are likely the largest gift-givers at a