Wise Skies Astrology Podcast

May 2022 Astrology Forecast



Heads up: May’s astrology starts out smooth and glittery then looks like a hot mess of burnout. Saturn semi-sextiles Neptune and it’s easier for us to lose focus on what’s most important. Being aware of where you are being wishy washy eliminates confusion. This is not a month to give ultimatums or force things. Do you want to experiment with not pushing it? Not overdoing it? What’s the right amount of busy? Best Day: May 6th: Mercury sextiles Venus - it’s good day for a good day. Most Challenging Day: May 15th: The challenges presented will be easier to see in hindsight, once the Scorpio eclipse has passed. Get the full forecast: https://wiseskiescollective.com/blog/ Join our Newsletter: https://wiseskiesadvice.us11.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=07464698fb2ad6f596e842c10&id=7347a683a4